Exchange program
Opening up to the world and the international scene is a priority for INSA Hauts-de-France. Each student thus has the opportunity to spend a semester abroad.
International at the heart of training
During their training, INSA Hauts-de-France students have the opportunity to carry out various types of mobility: university exchange, double degree, internship for periods of up to three semesters.
Info: A mobility forum is organized every year for students in the 3A, 4A engineering cycle and masters programs.
Different types of study mobility are available to you:
> semester exchange
> double degree
> Stage
Going with Erasmus +
The organization of the curriculum into semesters counted according to the ECTS standard allows students to complete part of their studies in a foreign partner school or university.
The Erasmus+ agreements between INSA Hauts-de France and its European partners, offer students the opportunity to apply for a mobility project in Europe.
To apply for Erasmus+, you must select the exchange program "Erasmus-ECTS" to know our partners: consult: https://unival.moveonfr.com/publisher/1/fra
Leaving outside Erasmus +
The INSA Hauts-de-France has concluded network agreements : FITEC (South America) and BCI (Canada).
Opportunities are possible :
Going for a double degree
Dual degrees allow you to obtain both the INSA Hauts-de-France degree and that of your home university.
Dual Degrees (DD) offer a unique and exceptional training in an environment characterized by close collaboration between INSA Hauts-de-France and the partner institute and which allows the awarding of national degrees from both countries.
The INSA HdF double degrees
- University of Brasilia (UnB)
- Uberlandia Federal University (UFU)
- Federal University Rio De Janeiro (UFRJ)
- School of Textile and Clothing Industries
- University of Mohammed V
- Mohammed VI International Academy of Civil Aviation (AIAC)
- National School of Mineral Industry
European Universities
As part of your studies at INSA HDF you will have the opportunity to practice new pedagogical technologies such as challenge-based and project-based pedagogy.
Since 2019, INSA Group is a member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) and participates in the ECIU University project.
ECIU link https://www.eciu.org/
As a component institution of the Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France, INSA Hauts-de-France is a member of the European university EUNICE, a project-based pedagogy consortium to address societal issues and innovative training activities.