The fields of action of the Gaston Berger Center of INSA Hauts-de-France
The Gaston Berger Center at INSA Hauts-de-France has as its main mission the support and promotion of diversity.
This is manifested through several fields of action.
The fields of action: Social opening
Actions toward middle and high schools:
"NHI, I Want, I Can" program:
- Cordée de la réussite, PRREL Ambition (Programme Régional de Réussite en Etudes Longues)
- Cordée de la Réussite: CLAED (Collegians Lycees Today Students Tomorrow)
These schemes aim to support middle and high school students towards higher education, in particular towards INSA Hauts-de-France courses.
Settlement grant for former Terminale students
"INSA, I want, I can"
This program is based on the Programme Régional de Réussite en Etudes Longues, the PRREL Ambition & la Cordée de la Réussite "INSA, je veux, je peux"
The Cordées de la Réussite enable the establishment of a partnership between higher education institutions and middle and high schools located in priority neighborhoods. The objective of the Cordées is to promote equal opportunity and success for young people in entering higher education. They are supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Urban Policy. In Valenciennes, the Cordée "Ingénieur, je veux, je peux" (I want to be an engineer, I can) was accredited in October 2010 by the Ministry of National Education.
The student association Egalité des Chances by INSA organizes tutoring thanks to the participation of 1st year students in Sciences and Humanities for the engineer but also thanks to students in Engineering Training under Student Status in 3, 4, 5th year.
INSA Foundation Host Scholarship
The INSA group, with the help of its Foundation, gives a settlement aid to new students, French scholarship holders the previous year in Terminale
The amount of the grant is 500€ (funded by the INSA Foundation and INSA Hauts-de-France).
In 2020-2021, 10 1st year students in Sciences and Humanities for Engineering at INSA Hauts-de-France benefited
Map of high schools and colleges
CLAED Coalition: Collegians, High Schoolers Today, Students Tomorrow
This cordée is carried by UPHF and has existed since 2012.
It establishes a partnership with 5 middle schools and 7 high schools that consists of a visit to the campus, participation in workshops in science and humanities.
Tutoring is provided by undergraduate students for high school students.
[Visual map to be added - not usable]
Popularizing Mathematics
In particular, the following are organized:
- Second grade courses
- ...
The fields of action: Gender parity
Since 2017, a team within the association EDC by INSA (Equal Opportunities by INSA) has been working for gender parity. It aims to raise awareness among students and staff about sexist comments.
An exhibition on sexist comments will be proposed in 2022.
In addition, two other associations are working for gender parity:
"INSAthénas" association:
Promoting scientific and technical professions to girls,
Helping female students find their place
L-Decode the @future: Computer Science Department:
Encouraging more girls to go into computer science studies
Group internships for middle school girls
Fields of action: Disability
A "Disability" unit exists within UPHF, relayed in INSA Hauts-de-France by a Disability Mission (link to INSA HdF Disability Mission page), for students and staff with disabilities.
Fields of action: Methodological support
In order to allow a better integration, 1st year Sciences and Humanities for the engineer can benefit from a tutoring organized by students in 3rd year of Engineering Training under student status.
A computer tutoring is set up for 1st year Sciences and Humanities for Engineering students from Senegal.
As part of the PRREL Réussite Program (Programme Régional de Réussite en Etude Longue ", is a device set up by the Hauts-de-France region to promote access to long term studies for high school and university students), a tutoring is offered to Bachelor 1 students supervised by Bachelor 3 or Master 1 students.
Fields of action: Humanistic training
Participation in community life strongly encouraged
- Support for associational life
- Support for the assessment of skills developed in associational life
- Valuation of actions by the communication department
Human training through occasional conferences by specialists or experts in the field
- Transactional analysis or how interpersonal relationships are organized?
- How to learn?
- Managing a team
- Knowing how to say NO
- Nonviolent communication: what is it? Why
- What are the emotional stages during a change?
- How to manage your emotions?
Humanities - Quest for Meaning
- By creating a space for reflection.
- Maintaining an opening to the Humanities and Social Sciences from the Engineering Sciences and Techniques
- By an opening of this space to the greatest number: students as well as teachers
- By various actions and initiatives: between educational activities, creation of places of exchange and organization of events ...
Fields of action: Foresight
"We must therefore prepare our children to be inventors and to demonstrate both the courage it takes to take initiative and the imagination that is indispensable to the discovery of new solutions. Drawing the consequences of a few well-established principles with rigor is not and will never be out of fashion. But it is necessary today, much more than in the past, to form daring hypotheses, to restate old problems in new terms, to try out paths that no one has yet taken. The future is not to be expected but to be constructed and, consequently, first of all to be invented." (Berger, 1960)
The fields of action: Territorial intelligence
History with the Communauté d'Agglomération Valenciennes Métropole
- The Accroche Active project aims to develop a comprehensive, innovative and effective policy around three themes: school dropout, orientation and the link to businesses
- Evaluation support
- Permit the perpetuation and transferability of the Valenciennes Métropole Agglomeration Community project
- Affirm the territorial anchoring of INSA Hauts-de-France
- Offering students authentic opportunities for civic action
- Prospective and data analytics for territorial governance
- Think and Do Tank alongside the citizen, elected officials, public action and territorial engineering
- Digital communication in the form of storytelling and social cohesion trend books
Shared services with the Université Polytechnique Hauts de France
- Training and Student Life cluster
- Health Center
- A "Gender-based violence" listening unit
- A listening cell "Psychosocial risks"
- A common documentation service
- Cultural action service
- Sports department
- International relations division
- Legal Affairs and Litigation Department
- Entrepreneurship - HUBHOUSE
Anne-Pascale Maquinghen
E-mail : @email
Tel +33 3 27 51 1418