Co-accredited Masters
INSA Hauts-de-France offers 22 master's degree courses, graduates co-degree with UPHF.
Co-accredited Masters: 22 courses
The training is organized in 1 or 2 years, after a Master 1 or a License 3.
These Masters are co-awarded with the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France.
Audiovisual and Multimedia
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34
Tel : 03 27 51 12 36
Electronics, Networks and Telecommunications
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34 (Initial training)
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34 (Work-study training)
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34
Civil Engineering
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34
- Energy and Environment course
- the Management of Organizations, Activities and Services course
- Security and Operational Safety course
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34
Tel : 03 27 51 12 34
Mechanics and Energy
Tel : 03 27 51 15 83
Master in Transportation and Energy
Tel : 03 27 51 15 84
Tel : 03 27 51 18 15 (Initial training)
Tel: 03 27 51 37 79 (Work-study training)
Tel : 03 27 51 18 15
STAPS Sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities

Tel : 03 27 51 15 83
- Parcours Ingénierie des Systèmes des Images et Sons (ISIS)
- Parcours Productions
- Parcours Postproduction
- Parcours International Transport and Energy
- Parcours E-logistique