Operation Ingénieuses of the CDEFI: INSA HDF nominated for the prize for engineering schools
As it does every year, the Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs is organizing its call for projects "Ingénieuses".
This year, our Gaston Berger Center proposed the application of INSA Hauts-de-France, gathering all our actions, entitled "Girls, dare the Sciences!" and we were nominated.
What is the "Ingénieuses" operation by the CDEFI?
Created in 2011, this Ingénieuses operation aims to fight against gender stereotypes, promote gender equality at school and in the professional sphere, and encourage the orientation of young girls towards scientific and technological training and engineering careers.
It takes the form of a national communication campaign and a competition ending with an award ceremony.
INSA Hauts-de-France's application selected for Ingenious 2023
At INSA Hauts-de-France, we are convinced that diversity is a factor of success.
In this sense, we want to increase the number of female students within our courses but also, more broadly in scientific and engineering studies. Indeed, the rate of girls in our workforce is lower than the national rate, which is itself non-parity: 23% at INSA HdF in engineering training for 29% at the national level.
Based on this observation and our ambitions, we are conducting a number of actions for the benefit of girls, high school and college students in order to encourage scientific, technical and engineering vocations and to support their success.
These actions have been grouped together for the "Ingénieuses" call for projects under the name "Filles, Osez les Sciences!"
Girls, Dare to do Science!
INSA Hauts-de-France
Presentation of the "Girls, Dare to be Scientists!" project.
This project brings together on the one hand actions
- targeted specifically towards girls and women : the student association "Les INSAthénas", "La Recherche Scientifique Paritaire", the morning "Ingénieureure au féminin", "L décodent l'@venir" or the conference "Les métiers de l'industrie au féminin" with our partner Renault,
- and on the other hand, actions with a broader spectrum, allowing awareness to a wider public : the Cordée de la Réussite "INSA, I want, I can" and the program "Maryam Mirzakhani".
Awarding of prizes
178 applications were received at the CDEFI and studied by the various juries of the competition this year and 8 French engineering schools were selected. Among them, 5 prizes will be awarded.
See you on May 11, 2023 in Paris, at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, for the Ingénieuses 2023 awards ceremony.